Browse on our site or call 769-242-0555 if you need assistance. Some of our larger items will require shipping costs to be determined after ordering.

We may quite possibly have that unique gift that you are searching for, come and take a look around!

Zita and I are feeling the vibe of Carriere, Ms and truly love ❤️ it here. Come see us at our newest location, then take a drive around. Pearl River County is just beautiful and so is the Coast and State Park System.

An oasis in a world gone mad

Welcome to the whimsical world of Zitas! A shop catered to hippies, adventurous shoppers and playful spirits. Browse our collections from spiritual items to nick knacks.

  • Capricorn December 21st to January 21st

    Capricorn Traits At a GlanceSymbol: The Mountain Goat
    Element: Earth
    Quality: Cardinal
    Ruling Planet: Saturn — the planet of discipline and maturity
    Body Part: Knees, skin, bones, teeth
    Good Day: Loyal, family-minded, hardworking, devoted, honest, fearless
    Bad Day: Pessimistic, unforgiving, cold, materialistic, snobbish, hopeless
    Favorite Things: Business cards, goals, official titles, being in charge, exclusive clubs, “leg sports” like soccer or track, motorcycles, leather
    What You Hate: Quitting, shouting in public, careless mistakes, traveling without an itinerary, doing things “just for the heck of it”
    Secret Wish: To have every need taken care of
    How to Spot Them: Distinctive jaw, strong teeth, wise look in the eyes
    Where You’ll Find Them: Enjoying quality time with the family, working obsessively on a large-scale project, running for Senior Vice President of the company, directing a full-length feature film, or even provide a review.